If you’re looking to burn fat like crazy without even trying, you’ll want to stick with me here, because I’ve got three super-simple tips that will help you get in great shape in no time at all. Each of the tips in this article has been proven scientifically to help you lose weight and stay healthy, so don’t miss out! Here’s what you need to know to burn fat like crazy without even trying...

1) Create a calorie deficit

To start burning fat, it is important to create a calorie deficit. This means that you are consuming fewer calories than you are expending. If this sounds difficult, don't worry: there's a simple formula for the amount of calories you need each day in order to maintain your weight. Simply take your current weight and multiply by 10-14 (depending on how much activity you do), and that number will give you the number of calories you should consume each day.

2) Increase your protein intake

Eating a high-protein diet can help you lose weight and also build muscle, which is key for long-term health. Protein triggers the brain to release hormones that control appetite, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote fat burning. Eat at least 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day (approximately 55 grams of protein for a 150-pound person). This number may be higher or lower depending on your activity level.

3) Lift weights 

Adding weight training to your fitness routine provides strength and muscles, as well as increasing bone density and boosting metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so by adding more muscles to your frame, you will be burning more calories each day. Furthermore, lifting weights makes your bones stronger, which helps prevent osteoporosis. Start with one set of 10 reps for each exercise, and then work up to two sets of 15 reps on exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench press and overhead press. Eat healthy fats: Fats are essential for hormone production (including the thyroid), heart health, brain function and the absorption of certain vitamins (such as vitamin A). Avoid trans-fats at all costs. They can cause inflammation in your body that leads to obesity or other diseases.